TricksWorld 99: February 2013


How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail
Hello everyone,
Gmail the number one mailing service which is secured enough.Most of you will be sending email's frequently through gmail, and also the email's you send are very important like passwords,Account details, Pin Codes etc. So to be more secured with gmail there's a extension called Safe Gmail for google chrome.

SafeGmail is a Chrome extension which will encrypt your emails before you send it to the respective person. If your reciever should open the mail which you have sent then he needs to answer the question which you have set. Hence this makes the e-mail tightly secured.

  Question 1 : How To Use the  SafeGmail ????

Add the SafeGmail then  just sign in to your Gmail account. But if you want to use this safe gmail feature then you need to switch back to the old compose mode.
So now Click Compose to open up the new compose box. At the  bottom-right corner of the new compose box you can see a small arrow which will be pointing downwards. Click on it and you will see the "More Options"  icon. Click on the "More option" and just select "Switch back to old compose" as shown in the below screen shot.

Now log out and restart your browser and sign in to your Gmail account to use Safe Gmail.(Important !!!)

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail

Question 2: How to Send Encrypted Emails Using Safe Gmail ????

Now to send encrypted emails just compose your email as you do normally. After Composing your email, Just below the Subject you can find the option "Encrypt?" .Check the box if you want your email to be encrypted.

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail

After you have checked the encrypt option,  you will a text field where you need to enter the question and answer. Please enter the question where it can be only guessed by your reciever and Enter your answer also :)
For example: Where we met yesterday?? etc...

 Finally, click on "Send+Encrypt" to send your encrypted e-mail.

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail 

Question 3 : How to open the encrypted Email ????

As soon as your recepient gets the e-mail from you, then the person will actually see the contents of your e-mail in an encrypted form. The encryted e-mail will be in the form which doesnt make any sense or have any meaning in it (shown in the below screen shot)  If that persons should read the email means means then he should decrypt the e-mail.
To start the decryption, the person should click the "Here" link as instructed in the email.
How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail

When he clicks on the link then he be directed to a page where the question you had set will appear. Now he should answer the question correctly so that he can decrypt your e-mail.

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail
If he has answered the question correctly then he must copy the string which was recieved by him ( mail that didnt make any sense) 

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail
….. then  paste the string of characters into the box of mail decryption page.

How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail
As soon as he clicks on "Show My Mail" the decryption will start and he will see the actual e-mail.
How To Send Encrypted Emails In Gmail With SafeGMail Enjoy !!!!!!

Best 9 Funny Computer Tricks of 2013

Best 9 Funny computer tricks of 2013

Hello Friends,
In this post am going to share some funny computer tricks.Just follow it one by one.

1. Shaking Browser Trick

This is a famous browser tricks that you will be amazed to see.I have given a certain code below just copy it in browser address bar.

  • Copy the below given java code in your address bar and just press enter.

javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)
Note:This Trick may not work in some browsers due to the other add-ons and browser version.

2. Folder Without A Name
This trick teaches you how to create a folder without a name. Amazed????  Yes you can create a folder without any name Just follow the below given steps to create a folder without name :-
  •     Right click on any folder and click on rename and delete the the folder name.
  •  Now  press and hold down the ALT button and type 0160, and then press Enter.
Note: Please type the number  "0160" on the right side of your keyboard (num pad) and make sure num lock is on.Please do not use horizontal number keys

3. Increase your Computer Speed
This Trick helps in increasing your PC speed.
  •  Just go to start and  click on run and then type “regedit” (without inverted commas)
  •   Select "HKEY_CURRENT_USER”, and now select control panel folder and then select  desktop folder.
  • Now you will be able to see "registry setting" on the right hand side. After this please select "menu show delay”, and right click on it and select "modify".
  •   You will see the "edit string option" where the "default value data is 400". Change  Value Data to 000.
  • Restart you Pc after you have followed the steps correctly and you can feel that your Pc is quick.
4. Notepad Trick
Open notepad and type .LOG in capital letters and just 

press ENTER. You can now record the exact date and time 

with this notepad trick.
5. Reserved Keyword Trick
    Just visit this link for the reserved keyword trick

How To Create the Impossible "CON" "AUX" "NUL" Folders/ Folder without name

6. Strange Font
Open your notepad and increase the font size to 72, now change the font to Windings. Afterwards, type your name in capital letters.

7. Desktop Wallpaper Prank
Take a screen shot of your desktop and then open the image and set it as your desktop background. Now, hide all the icons from your desktop. Also, unlock the task-bar. Now your desktop will look exactly the same as before, but all of the icons will not be clickable.This trick could easily confuse anyone.

8. Microsoft Word Trick
Simply open up Microsoft Word and type =Rand (200, 99), then press enter. Hopefully you enjoy the magic!
I hope all of you have enjoyed reading these interesting tricks. Make sure you rate and post a comment. Thanks for reading my article!

9. Recycle Bin Trick

In this Trick you can delete your recycle bin just visit the below link for the trick

            How To Remove Recycle Bin From Computer/Laptop

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Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

Hello guys,
In this article am going to discuss about the Best 15 websites to test your codes in various languages online.To Test your codes you just require internet connection instead of various different softwares/packages for your codes.All the type of codes can be tested/compiled in one website.
So here i have listed 15 websites which are the best and provides you 100% accuracy.

  1. Codepad

Codepad is a coding website created by Steven Hazel, Codepad is a web application in which you can share your code syntax in Web. Other than simply compling /debugging, this web application allows you people to copy or paste some important bits of code to share it online.
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

In the output screen you will be getting errors if there any error associated in your code. The lradio buttons which are in the left hand side you in changing your parsing/coding language like C or C++ or python or java etc. This CODEPAD will be very much useful for software engineers to easily code.


2. Write Code Online is a website which when visted redirects you people to their awesome JavaScript editor where you have options to choose such as PHP,JS, and some basic codings.This is a simple and safe website. 

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

You can easily see your results below the text field. As soon as you press the run code it will parse your code and display the result in no time.


3. Tinkerbin

Tinkerbin is a website which mainly supports the  web developers to code in CSS3/HTML5/JS and the output is seen directly on the screen. 

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

The engine also supports more languages such as Sass and Coffeescript within CSS. The console of tinkerbin is very much advanced.The most awesome fact of tinkerbin is that it supports keyboard shorcuts which is rarely supported in web applications.I can tell Tinkerbin is a best app for developers till now.


4. JS Bin

Jsbin is a very simple,elegant JavaScript debugging console till now.The main advantage of JSBIN is that you can share your link with other developers and code it in real time so this saves a lot of time and also the code is developed by many developers in real time.

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

As the interface is complicated for new people ,So the developers of JSbin have setup some online tutorials .In jsbin you have the option of selecting between number of JS libraries like jQM, jQuery, MooTools, JQuery UI, Prototype.

There's lot of advantage such as the code you are writing will be autosaved and also you have option of downloading it or the code will be saved online for later use.

5. jsFiddle

In jsfiddle you need to signup for a free account and after signing up you can start your coding, save your codes etc. The interesting part is that jsFiddle provides you a short URL which you can share in twitter,facebook,delicious and many more social networking sites among your friends and colleagues. 
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

JsFiddle includes libraries such as Prototype and jQuery.And the most important thing here is you have the option of including external resources to JS/CSS files. Jsfiddle also supports XHR Ajax where you have the facility of passing data back and forth between the server and client browser window.


6. CSSDesk

CSSDesk is web application which mainly helps in building small webpage templates and testing the longer CSS3 properties.

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

CSSDesk have the the option of downloading your source code as files to your PC / Laptop.And also in cssdesk you can generate  short URL link so that it helps you share online in social networking sites among your friends.



In you can share the HTML5 ,JavaScript , CSS3 code snippets. To be more secured they need the users to get into the formal registration process.

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

8. Google Code Playground

 Google code sandbox an amazing platform for developers where you will be having full access to their APIs and also you can debug  your code in the same window.
As google is a huge network they have introduced this not for new comers so i feel this will be helpful only for experienced developers.
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

9. IDEOne

IDE One is a simple online editor which supports syntax highlighting . These include Objective-C, SQL, C#,Java, VB.NET.
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]
 The main interesting part is you will be having the option of coding and debugging in many languages in the same page. You also have the option of saving and sharing your code via unique url among the social networking sites. But there are too much of irritating ads in there interface which makes the user uncomfortable to code.Theres also a option which includes the libraries for Cocoa Touch for iPhone app development.


10. Viper7 Codepad

Codepad is a web application and it is hosted on a website called Their debugging tools are mainly setup for PHP output where you have the option for changing between PHP5 and PHP4.
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

And another option is that if you create an account then you will able use their service as a personal storage system. This is a powerful code editor as you dont need software on your computer at the time. As you parse each script the editor will offer additional meta details, such as browser request & response headers.


11. JSLint

JSLint is a website which you will be finding complicated but dont worry its very much simple.
And its interesting that its possible to work with the open source code such as Node.js
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

  12. SQL Fiddle

Similar to jsFiddle we can see SQL Fiddle which works in the similar fashion except for SQL database syntax. 

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

The output from your sql syntax will be shown under the editors. Thw database schema is SQL code which you can save to export your current database and re-install everything on a new server.


13. Cloud9 IDE

 Cloud9 is the best source code editors you can find online. Its not just an editor, but more than that i.e, an entire system of tools and resources and you can also store  your code repositories on cloud9 IDE servers.

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

Account signup is free for all public projects and for private it costs $15 per month.
Each of the new projects is stored in a subfolder where you can generate real physical files. HTML, PHP, CSS, JS anything you need to code will be saved locally in your account. Then you will be able to export these files as a whole project and download them to your Pc/laptop.

14. CodeRun

CodeRun IDE is an online editor for any dynamic web application. The editor looks like  Microsoft Visual Studio, and you can even code in C# for ASP.NET.
Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]

But aside from Microsoft-based web applications you can also code in straight JavaScript or PHP. The application runs very similar to Visual Studio where you can create a new Website Project and develop over individual files. In the bottom of the screen you will find debugging tools and output from the console window.

15. Compilr

Top 15 Websites To Test Your Codes Online[2013]
Here we have another desktop-style online IDE Compilr with a similar template as Windows applications. You can work with open tabbed documents and edit files right on the fly. But you do need to register an account before you can create any new projects.

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Airtel Free Youtube Supported Proxy Trick 2013 [ Working Streaming Trick]

Free Airtel Youtube Supported Proxy Trick 2013 [ Working Streaming Trick]

Hello Friends,
In this Tricks am going to give some free Streaming supported proxies for Airtel. These Tricks get blocked soon as and when it comes to the notice of network provider.
So i will be updating the proxies frequently use them as soon as you can.Now am giving a Trick for Airtel proxy (2013). This Trick mainly helps you for free streaming of videos in well known websites like You Tube and other video sharing websites.
This Trick works both in 2G and 3G. But the disadvantage is that in 3G you will be getting a very low speed but advantage is that its absolutely free so dont mind!!!! :) :)
 Now I have given the Proxy Settings (2013). This may work in some states and doesnt work in one or the other States. So if its working or not please mention your state in the comment so that it will be useful for the other visitors.

Proxy Settings:

PROXY      :
PORT         : 80
APN           :
Home Page :

            or any other working free site in your area.

Please Follow the below precautions carefully

  • Default Access Point should be airtel Internet or airtel mobile offices
  • Please maintain your airtel balance less than 10 paise to avoid any deduction in case if the above trick didnt work in your state(we are not responsible if there is deduction of any amount).
  • Please use this trick upto 100 MB or less than that ELSE there are chances that your SIM will be blocked :(
  • Sim will be blocked if your downloading too much of data
Please comment Below with your state name if the trick is working fine.

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The Top Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

Hello Guys,
The year 2013 is a year in which there is massive technological advances.As far as 2012 is concerned we saw many releases with the android OS , Some of the releases in 2012 were both a failure and a big hit.
But as of now everyone is expecting that in 2013 we will a big release related to android which is expected to be a massive hit.
The Highly Dominants like LG , Samsung , Motorola , Sony are going to hit the market this year with there awsome android releases.

Motorola X
The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

Motorola X the most expected 2013 release will have a long battery life and the talk time is  expected to be around 120 hours. It runs with the Android OS(v4.2) .It has 13 Megapixel camera which is  rear facing. 
Motorola X has the capability to  support both 2G (GSM) 3G (HSPDA) and 4G (LTE) technologies.
This series is powered by 1.50 GHz Snapdragon S4 processor and a 2GB RAM Capacity. 
This Handset has a  flexible display and with a reasonable price. 

Sony Xperia Z

The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

This phone has a multi touch capabilities up to 10 fingers. It is shatter proof and has a scratch resistant glass mainly  for protection.

This Smartphone is completely  waterproof up to 1 meter for 30 minutes and the phone is expected to have Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,  and a TFT capacitive touch screen. 
It has a Quad- core 1.5 GHz Krait CPU Processor and with the Android OS(v4.1.2) which can be further upgraded to v4.2. And yes  it supports both EDGE and GPRS data transfer technologies and also compatible with 2G (GSM) 3G (HSPDA) and 4G (LTE) technologies. The battery life is around 40 hours of talk time.

ZTE Nubia Z5 

The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

ZTE nubia Z5 is a  Smartphone  which is  a Sub brand of ZTE. The processor is QUALCOMM’s 1.5GHz quad core, 32GB internal storage and 2GB RAM . This smart phone has a 13 megapixel camera and it has Wi-Fi Display. It Supports CDMA 2000, WCDMA and LTE. The battery life of this smart phone is around 60 hours of talk time. The Os is Android OS(v4.2). 

HTC Butterfly / Deluxe

The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013
 It supports 2G (GSM) 3G (HSPDA) and 4G (LTE) technologies. The processor is 1.50 GHz Quad-core Krait processor with a  2GB of RAM. The OS is android OS(v4.1) which can be upgraded to v4.2.The battery is non removable.

Samsung Galaxy S IV

The Most Expected Android Mobiles Releases in 2013

Finally everyone wants to know about the queen of smart phones samsung Galaxy S IV which is the most and most expected in samsung series.
As everyone know the previous Galaxy series were a mega hit now its confirmed that S IV will also be a hit.It was to be released in month of february but now its pushed to august . S IV has a super AMOLED capacitive touch screen with a 16M colors and a TouchWiz User interface.

The processor is a Quad core 2Ghz Cortex A15 CPU. It has a 16GB storage and a 2GB RAM. It supports both GPRS and EDGE data transfer technologies.
It is compatible with 2G (GSM) 3G(HSPDA) and 4G (LTE). The OS is Android OS(v4.2) jelly bean operating system.

It has a  Li-Ion battery and a 13 megapixel camera .One of main feature is that the images can also be captured in dim light.

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[How To] Keyboard LED's Dancing Trick 2013

[How To] Keyboard LED's Dancing Trick 2013

Hello Friends,
In this trick am going to teach you people how to make the LED Lights dance in your keyboard.
Every Keyboard has LED lights on top right corner Which mainly indicates whether the NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, CAPS LOCK are ON or OFF.
So in this tricks i will make those lights blink one of after the other which looks like the LED's are dancing in a serial Fashion.

There is no harm to your keyboard or LED's or your Processor with this simple funny trick. I know theres no use with this Trick  but i just wanted you people that this type of trick can also be implemented. That's it :)

Steps To be Followed To Make This Trick Work:

  • Open the Notepad in your Pc and Copy the below code and Paste it in Notepad
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 wscript.sleep 100
 wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
 wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
 wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
  • Just Save the file as TW99.vbs
  • When you have finished saving the file just click on the file and you can see the LED's dancing on your keyboard.

Steps To Be Followed To Stop This Trick Working:
  • Open the Windows Task manager (  By Pressing ALT + CTRL + DEL ).
  • Click The Process Tab in Task Manager. 
  • Just Search For The filename wscript.exe and just select it .
  • Click on End Process as Shown Below
                   [How To] Keyboard LED's Dancing Trick 2013

Enjoy :)

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Airtel free Internet Official trick February 2013

Airtel free Internet Official trick February 2013
Hello Friends,
 In this trick am going to teach you how to use free internet in airtel network.
Airtel one of the top network in india has given an official offer to its users.Some of you will think that this offer works only in certain regions. No, Not at all, this is a tested offer and works every where , more than that this offer is officially confirmed by airtel.

It is working all over India. But it is sad because its a  limited period offer. So Hurry up hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The speciality of this trick is that you can surf the Internet absolutely for FREE using Google. And also to be more Clear this offer is officially sponsored by GOOGLE.
So now you can use the google search,Gmail
and google plus using this simple trick.

This trick even works in Zero(0) Balance.
NOTE: Before using this simple trick,please be sure that you have an Gmail account.
           If you dont have please cilcke here and create gmail account

Steps To be Followed: 

1. Please Send FREE to 54321 (Toll-Free)
2. And After you that you will receive a Confirmation SMS.
3. Now you start with the trick.
4. Just go to the link which is given in SMS using Mobile Office setting.
5. Click/Press on Enter Free Zone
6.Then Click Continue.

7. You will need to login to your Google account right now.
8. Enjoy the trick.

Happy free internet using Google and Airtel !
For easy access of this Trick after activating it,all you need to do is just bookmark the below link::

Warning: If there is deduction of any amount we are not responsible because its a officail trick from google and airtel

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