Hello Friends,
This trick is something special,you could have noticed in some cases people have tendency to hit/tick the Remember Me option to save there login passwords so that it will be easy to access the account.
And even sometimes we forget the password after a while. This trick will help you retrieve the passwords behind the cover of Asterisks/Bullets.
Even if you find that some person has hit the remember me option in any PC its easy to find his password with this simple trick.
How To HACK Facebook/Twitter/ Any Account Password????
Some of You may see the below simple trick and ask me Rudely the above question. But the answer is No. Dont blindly waste your time searching in internet about this question. Even if you find a trick to Hack a account. It wont Work.
Now we will stop discussing about the off - topic.
Simply Follow the below steps to reveal the password behind the Bullets/astericks:
=>In Google Chrome
1. Open the google chrome browser.
2. Type your username and password in any of the social networking site/ Mail sites.
3. Right click on the password box and click on Inspect Element as shown below.
4.You will find a window in your browser as shown below.
5.Search for < input type="password" in the highlighted area.
6.Double click on the type="password" and now type text in that place and press
7. It will something like this as shown in below screen shot.
8.As soon as you press enter your password will be revealed.
=>Mozilla Firefox
1.Open the Mozilla Firefox browser.
2. Type your username and password in any of the social networking site/ Mail sites.
3. Right click on the password box and click on Inspect Element(Q) as shown below.
4.You will find the below kind of window in your browser.
5. Click on the markup panel(Alt+M) as shown below.
6. As soon as you click the markup panel you need to perform as follows
7.Search for type="password" in the highlighted area.
8.Double click on the type="password" and now type text in that place and press
9. It will something like this as shown in below screen shot.
10.As soon you hit enter your password will be revealed.
Thats it Enjoy :)
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