Hello Everyone,
We know that we can send/share our files with our Friends but we also know that google launched the Google Drive For storage of our files just like a Hard Disk which is Storing our files.
People who are not aware about Google Drive please visit
After this integration just think about what Google has done now. Earlier it was just 25MB was allowed to Share or Send. But now Can you Imagine???? you can send a file of size maximum 10GB.Wow thats amazing right?? That means you can upload any movie and send your friend or buddy via Gmail only. No need to write in a DVD or carry in a pen drive.But Uploading takes time :(..... This post was written just to bring a awareness about this. Besides that you can upload your entire data in Google drive and whenever required access them. No need to maintain a external hard drive. But this feature can be accessed if you have enabled Gmail's new compose feature. Google will roll out this feature in next few days. You can also control from your side who can access that file.
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