TricksWorld 99: February 2012


How to Make Money From Blog

Friends,in this post i will tell you that how you can make money from your blog or website.
No wonder,some peoples making hundred of dollars in a day.
Lets comes to the point.
Well,you may generate income by showing advertising ads on your web or blogsite.
This is an excellent way to generate income on your site by showing ads is by recognizing advertising ads on your site. All you need to do to really generate income this way is to personalize your design to be able to present whatever ad structure you want.

To make online cash via advertising ads can take some time, but there are people generating countless numbers per month through them alone. All you need to do is concentrate on getting visitors to your site and you will be able to create enough cash using this means on the long run.
So are you ready to generate income from your web page or blog?

How To Display Own Name In Task Bar Place

Guys,I think you know that we can display own name in the task bar with time or date.
Here is one another interesting thing that we may choose two different-2 name.
One name for AM time session,second for PM time session.The name will automatically change.
For this trick click on your time in the taskbar
Now click on Change Date and time Settings .
A new window will appear . make the click on the Change Date and Time Settings .
Just click on the Change Calendar Settings .
Here In the customize Format window select Time Tab .
Now in the this tab look for AM/PM symbol .
This is most important part
,Give the name whatever you want to display along with Time
At last click on ok button to save changes .
You have done it .

Great Idea For Blogging

Friends,there are so many blogs and web sites about
blogs on the internet , it can be tough to distinguish your
blogging web site from all of the others . Whether you
are starting up a new web site aimed at bloggers or
whether you are looking to make your existing blogging
site more distinctive , the key to building and
maintaining a site that will capture the interest and
attention of the blogging community is finding your
niche . If you can fill a unique need in a way that no
other web site does , you'll be able to build a lasting
readership among web surfers . Once you have
discovered a niche , you will still have a lot to do , but
finding your place in the blogosphere is the place to
begin .
Every great blogging web site starts with a great idea ,
and you can't build a successful site that will last
without one . There are many great sites aimed at
today's bloggers , and competition for the attention of
this growing demographic is fierce . To make your
blogging web site stand out from the pack , you will
need to offer something that no other site is currently
offering , or you will need to do the same thing that an
already popular site does but in a more impressive or
valuable way .

One way to discover an ideal model for your blogging
web site is to look at the sites that have successfully
captured a blogging audience already to determine if
you can appropriate some of their strategies to help
realize your vision . Of course , you will also need to add
a unique flair to your project in order to stand apart
from your competition . Many people agree that the web
sites that do the best in today's market are the sites that
have the most personality . The fiercely individual
surfers who are bloggers are a demographic that
responds especially strongly to personality , so consider
how you can give your site a unique and attractive
feeling by lending your own voice and sensibility to
your site's design and content .
Once you have a great idea for your site , have
pinpointed a special niche that you are well equipped to
fill , and have infused the site with personality , the next
step is figuring out how to get the word out to bloggers .
In the long
run , a great idea just isn't enough to propel
your blogging web site to success . You will need to
draft a smart and realistic marketing plan in order to
draw readers to your site . Once you hook a blogger ,
your great content will keep them coming back , but it is
vital to get that first glance or your site won't have a
chance to shine .

Flip Tricks Of Windows

Guys the keyboard combination of Alt + Tab has been an easy switch between open windows without touching your mouse . When you press Tab while holding down the Alt key , a floating palette displays the icons of running programs . Keep holding down the Alt key and each time you press Tab again , you highlight the next icon . When you release the keys , the highlighted program jumps to the front so you can work with it . This keyboard shortcut works with all versions of Windows .
Tricks with Alt + Tab :
Add Shift to move backward .
Add the Ctrl key to lock the display , so you don't have to keep the Alt key held down . Just tab to the icon you want , then press Spacebar or Enter to select the active icon .
Here's one of the handiest ways to use this shortcut : If you just tap Alt + Tab without holding down the Alt key , you get an effect that's often even more useful . You jump back and forth between the last two windows you've had open . It's great when , for example , you're copying information from one window to another .
Windows Aero Flip 3D This Windows trick works with Windows 7 or Windows Vista but not in Windows XP . If your computer can run Aero ( the default interface with see-through windows ) , you can use Flip 3D , a sort of 3D version of the Alt + Tab shortcut . With this
shortcut , Windows shrinks all program windows so they all fit on the screen . You flip through them in a stack of 3D screens to find the window you want .
How to activate Flip 3D :
Press the Windows Logo key + Tab to "Flip" between the open windows .
( The Windows Logo key is usually between the Ctrl and Alt keys at the left of the Spacebar and has a flying flag or Windows logo on top . See link at end of these tips for a full handout of Windows shortcut . )
If you keep your finger on the Windows Logo key , you will see a 3-dimensional display of your open windows .
Next , navigate through the deck of windows with one of these techniques :
Tap the Tab key repeatedly . Add the Shift key to move backward through the stack . When the window you want is in front , release the key . The 3-D stack vanishes , and the important window appears before you at full size .
Turn your mouse's scroll wheel toward you . Roll it away to move backward .
Persistent 3D Flip
Windows 7 also includes a variation of Aero Flip called Persistent 3D Flip . This is a handy shortcut which eliminates the need to keep holding down keys .
use Persistent 3D Flip :
Press the Windows Logo key + Ctrl + Tab or press the Flip 3D key on your keyboard if it has one ( with 3 layered rectangles/windows ) . Not surprising , you'll find this key on many Microsoft brand keyboards .
Release the Windows Logo key and Ctrl and the Flip choices stay in place .
To flip through the open windows without having to hold down any keys : Use the arrow keys , or press Tab to navigate through each window , or use your mouse's scroll wheel .
Press Enter or the Esc key to maximize the selected window .


Friends,You can copy text from and paste in Command Prompt window. The process is a little different depending on how the QuickEdit Mode option is configured.

You configure QuickEdit Mode on the Options tab of the Command Prompt Properties window. You can access this window by right-clicking the title bar of the Command Prompt window and choosing Properties.

The QuickEdit Mode option changes the way that you can cut text from and paste text into the command line. The Insert Mode option below it works just like the Insert key of the keyboard. It allows you to insert characters into the command line when enabled, or overwrite characters in the command line when disabled.

How you copy text from the command prompt window depends on whether QuickEdit

Mode is enabled or disabled.

1.)QuickEdit Mode is enabled (checked)-Use the mouse to select text, and then

press Enter to copy the selected text.

2.)QuickEdit Mode is not enabled (unchecked)-Right-click in the Command Prompt

window and click Mark. Use the mouse to select text, and then press Enter to copy the selected text.

Paste in Command Prompt Window

You can paste Paste in Command Prompt Window by following method:-

1.)QuickEdit Mode is enabled (checked)-Right-click in the Command Prompt window and the

data is pasted where you clicked. Caution: If the pasted data includes a new line from the Enter key, you’ll execute the command as soon as you paste it.

2.)QuickEdit Mode is not enabled (unchecked)-Right-click in the Command Prompt window and click Paste.

That's all.

How To Check Wether Your computer is 64 bit capable?

Guys,This method will allow you to know tht your  system is 64 bit or not.

If you are using AMD processors like Athlon then you can use 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows7. Intel has also released a series of processors with 64 bit architectures .

Check your processor for 32bit or 64bit support .

Method 1: Check 64 bit Windows 7 support with CPUZ:

There is a small freeware application called CPUZ that can check almost every aspect related with hardware information of a PC .

Check Wether your system is 64 bit capable or not

Now refer above image and check whether the 64bit is supported by your processor. If there is 64MT then your Intel processor support 64 bit Windows 7. If yours is an AMD processor then it should be AMD64. This test almost confirms your processor compatibility with 64 bit Windows .

Check 64 bit Windows 7 support for processor on Windows Vista or Windows 7 32 bit installation .

Check Wether your system is 64 bit capable or not.

Right click anywhere on your Windows desktop and open properties . Now calculate Windows Experience Index aka WEI. From under the lowest sub score, select to view and print detailed system information .

Total hardware information about your PC will be then displayed as shown above. Here on 64 bit support details it will be shown yes if your processor supports the architecture.

How To Block Unwanted Emails

Want To Block Unwanted Emails
guys,Are you getting so many unwanted emails,any website promotional mails,softwares emails,mlm promotional,newsletters or phishing emails?
If your answer is yes,Then i have a solution for you.
With this trick you may block whole domain,individual email address from which you don't want the emails to come from.
So lets go for it.
Give me some attention now,fellow the steps i have given below.
If you are yahoo users then follow thse steps:
First of all login to your account.
Now in your email account At the top-right corner, click on Options.
When you click on option,A drop down menu will appear,click on More options.
After this action In the left panel select the option Filters and click on create or edit filters.make a click on add  and give the any name to your filer and in the From header field enter the email address that you want to block.
Or for blocking the domain enter the full domain name.
Now Select option Move the message to trash and Save Changes.
This is the trick to block unwanted emails in yahoo.
Next time i will tell you about gmail or hotmail.

How to access gmail offline

Friends,as we knows Googlemail provides more than 7.6 Gb of place which is raising every second.So, you don¡¯t have to remove even a single e-mail due to lack of place.Their are a lot of addtional features like in Googlemail laboratories like Addtional talk emotional baggage , Critique  Lite which can be triggered when required.Now you can also get the capability to reach Googlemail in in the real world method which can be really useful if you don¡¯t have web access but are in need of immediate use of your address. Although in in the real world method  you can't deliver an e-mail but can study, handle your messages. This technique will work only on google web browser.
Google Chrome
Open your web browser and download Offline Gmail Extension.
You May Download it from HERE.
Next step Install this extension by hitting Add to google chrome and choose offline Google Mail.
Now after this choose,Allow offline Mail option n press on Continue option.
Your Googlemail account
will instantly get synchronized whenever you run chrome web browser in option web access(internet availability).
Try it.

How To Optimize Broadband Or DSL Speed

These settings allow you to boost the speed of your broadband Internet connection when using a Cable Modem or DSL Router with Windows 2000 and Windows XP .

Open your  windows registry n find out the key below .

Create the following DWORD values , as most of these values will not already exist you will need to create them by clicking on 'Edit -> New -> DWORD Value' and then set the value as shown below .

DefaultTTL = "80" hex ( or 128 decimal )
Specifies the default time to live ( TTL ) for TCP/IP packets .default is 32 .

EnablePMTUBHDetect = "0"
Specifies whether the stack will attempt to detect Maximum Transmission Unit ( MTU ) routers that do not send back ICMP fragmentation-needed messages . The default is 0 .

EnablePMTUDiscovery = "1"
Specifies whether the TCP/IP stack will attempt to perform path MTU discovery as specified in RFC 1191 . The default is 1 .

Trick To Share Files Wirelessly From Android Phones To PC

Friends ,have you ever thought that one day we could actually use either an Android phone or a tablet PC to create a lot of content in one segment . Between notes and pictures taken on your smartphone and that special content hammered out of your Fly Touch tablet PC , you'll notice there's always something on your mobile device that you'd like to dig out from your PC . Thanks to Dooblou WiFi File Explorer that is built to handle this task perfectly .
Before we even knew about wireless file explorers such as this , we could only transfer files from the phone in two ways : For example
, you'd put the file in Dropbox or use a USB cable to connect the PC and the phone to transfer files . When you talk of cables in this 21st-century --really , it's a painful course a person shouldn't have to undergo , and Dropbox appears like an unproductive solution for handling such enormous file transfers .
WiFi File Explorer
WiFi File Explorer is an Android app that uses your Android mobile phone or tablet Wi-Fi connection to link your wireless network , which then it comes up with little Web server-like on your network that allows you to go through your files from any other PC on the network . All you need to do is just to go to your computer and enter an IP address including the port number the app software provides you , for example 195 .178 .1 .77 :8000 , and then you'll have a list availed to you from your phone's files and folders just right at your browser window .
The WiFi File Explorer app has a password protection as an alternative , which I believe it should probably come enabled by default , but unfortunately its not . You may consider enabling it when using it for the first time .

The good thing about the device is that you don't just copy files ; you can also stream music and video from your Android mobile phone . The original version which retails for less than two dollars , adds the knack to create fresh directories on your phone , download several files from the device at the same time , download complete directories , stream media playlists , and many others .

WiFi File Explorer apps can not be concluded that it's the only wireless file sharing apps for Android phones , but it could brag as being the simplest , and for that reason , it may get huge attention from productive-minded users.

Some Shortcuts Run Commands

Friends ,here is some useful shortcuts run commands for you .
SHIFT+DELETE ( Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin )
CTRL+C ( Copy )
CTRL+X ( Cut )
CTRL+V ( Paste )
CTRL+Z ( Undo )
CTRL while dragging an item ( Copy the selected item )

CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item ( Create a shortcut to the selected item )

F2 key ( Rename the selected item )

CTRL+RIGHT ARROW ( Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next
word )

CTRL+LEFT ARROW ( Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word )

CTRL+DOWN ARROW ( Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph )

CTRL+UP ARROW ( Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph )

CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys ( Highlight a block of text )
ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name ( Display the corresponding menu )
Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu ( Perform the corresponding command )

F10 key ( Activate the menu bar in the active program )

RIGHT ARROW ( Open the next menu to the right , or open a submenu )

LEFT ARROW ( Open the next menu to the left , or close a submenu )

F5 key ( Update the active window )

BACKSPACE ( View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer )

ESC ( Cancel the current task )

SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive ( Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing )
CTRL+A ( Select all )

F3 key ( Search for a file or a folder )

ALT+ENTER ( View the properties for the selected item )

ALT+F4 ( Close the active item , or quit the active program )

ALT+ENTER ( Display the properties of the selected object )

ALT+SPACEBAR ( Open the shortcut menu for the active window )

CTRL+F4 ( Close the active document in programs that enable you to have
multiple documents open simultaneously )

ALT+TAB ( Switch between the open items )

ALT+ESC ( Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened )

F6 key ( Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop )

F4 key ( Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer )

SHIFT+F10 ( Display the shortcut menu for the selected item )

ALT+SPACEBAR ( Display the System menu for the active window )

CTRL+ESC ( Display the Start menu )
CTRL+TAB ( Move forward through the tabs )

CTRL+SHIFT+TAB ( Move backward through the tabs )

TAB ( Move forward through the options )

SHIFT+TAB ( Move backward through the options )

ALT+Underlined letter ( Perform the corresponding command or select the
corresponding option )

ENTER ( Perform the command for the active option or button )

SPACEBAR ( Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box )

Arrow keys ( Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons )

F1 key ( Display Help )

F4 key ( Display the items in the active list )

BACKSPACE ( Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As
or Open dialog box )

Windows Logo+F ( Search for a file or a folder )

CTRL+Windows Logo+F ( Search for
computers )

Windows Logo+F1 ( Display Windows Help )

Windows Logo+ L ( Lock the keyboard )

Windows Logo+R ( Open the Run dialog box )
Windows Logo+D ( Display the desktop )

Windows Logo+M ( Minimize all of the
windows )

Windows Logo+SHIFT+M ( Restore the minimized windows )

Windows Logo+E ( Open My Computer )
Windows Logo ( Display or hide the Start menu )

Windows Logo+BREAK ( Display the System Properties dialog box )
That's it .


Anybody interested in remove his shortcuts arrows from desktop?

Well,you may do this thing using a windows registry trick.

Press the windows key+R,The command prompt will open.

Now type in the box"regedit"

Hit the enter.

Now click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,Now find lnkfile  & click on it.

Now here you will get Key IsShortcut.

You have to delete it.

After deletion you must restart your system.

That's have done.

Safer Way To Recover Damaged Partitions

Repairing damaged partitions on is a risky business. Even if you use the best toolkit and are absolutely sure in what you are doing, you are still risking your files shall something go wrong. Changes made to the damaged partition are irreversible; it is just too easy to overwrite an important system structure that holds vital information about your disk, files and data. Bottom line: it's good to backup before performing data recovery. But is this really the best way to do it?

There is a different approach to do data recovery that is even safer. No need to backup and restore during the recovery. Instead of making a backup copy of corrupted data, you can simply take a binary snapshot of the partition being repaired, and attempt the recovery with different settings as many times as you need on this snapshot instead of the actual disk.

SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor by is one of a few data recovery tools that allow recovering a virtual image of a damaged hard drive instead of repairing the hard drive directly. The data recovery tool lets you create a binary image of the damaged hard drive, and works with the binary image instead of the real thing. The binary image is a big file stored on another hard disk, CD, DVD or other media. The technology is similar to making an .iso image of a CD or DVD disc, only SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor extends it to partitions or even entire disks.

The hard drive copy may be virtual, but any data you save from it is for real. SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor can recover your files, documents and other data from the binary image and put it on a healthy media. After that, you can attempt fixing the damaged system structures of the corrupted hard drivewithout taking any risk at all. Any modifications will be performed on the virtual image.

Don't rush the recovery. Don't take the risk of losing or corrupting your data. Create a virtual snapshot of the hard drive being repaired, and work on that snapshot instead of accessing the corrupted hard drive. This procedure keeps your original data safe, and ensures the highest level of safety during the recovery process.

SoftAmbulance Partition Doctor recovers files from damaged and corrupted disks and partitions and fixes damaged hard drives. The disk recovery product supports all 32-bit versions of Windows, and recovers FAT and NTFS formatted hard disks, memory cards, CD and DVD media, and USB flash drives. The evaluation version is available for free at

Send Free Group Sms Unlimited

Hello Guys!In this post i m gonna telling  you about a fantastic cellphone application. through this application you can send unlimited sms to your friends and anybody.
This application is called "WhatsApp"

Whatsapp is best application. This is the first application which support iOS,Blackberry,

Android, Symbian and windows phones. By this you can send sms as well mms and 

connect with your friends. This application will automativally search phone book of user

and tell him that which friends has been installed this application.Download it from here.

Make Online Money With Check Money Mail

Guys Are you interested in making online money,without any investment.
Here is a Legit website to make some extra money online checking some emails.
Free to join & easy to view money mails.
I personally found that this website really paying for your work.
If anybody interested to join this site-CLICK HERE
Best of luck.

Transparent Lock To Desktop

Guys,here is an awesome application to lock your desktop called ClearLock.its fully transparent lock application.

This application which protects your from unwanted peoples.

By using ClearLock you can lock your desktop computer with a transparent lock,

that means you can actually see your desktop which is covered by a transparent layer, But you can’t click on

anything until you give your password to remove the lock.
You may download it from here.

Remote Desktop Manager Application

Friends Remote Desktop Manager enables you to manage all your remote server connections from a single interface.

It supports Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, VNC, LogMeIn and Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH,

Telnet as well as virtualized envirnonments (VMWare, Virtual Box, Virtual PC) and others.

All your connections can be conveniently accessed from the tray icon and you can switch between them from the

integrated connection viewer (optional).

Other features include support for VPN connections, dual monitor support, user favorites and more.

Download from Here.

How Can Add More Usb Ports In A System

You’re Using Your Personal pc and You Realize You Need to Put in Your hard disk or any other thing. but When You Go to Put It in You See That You Already Have Used up Your Places.
This Technique Is for Leading-edge Personal pc People Who Are Using Windows or Unix like Based Personal pcs. Using this method includes Paying for a Additionally Known as a Usb PCI Card such as The IOGEAR USB 2.0 PCI Card.IOGEAR USB 2.0 PCI Card GIC251U USB adaptor - PCI - 5 ports Usb PCI Cards Are Personal pc Snacks That Are introduced into PCI Growth Slot machine games inside Your Personal pc. once The card Is Inserted You Will Need To Set up Whatever Software Came With Your PCI Card
This  option is most likely the best option for most situations, this method includes purchasing what is referred to as a Usb hub Rosewill RHB-320 7 Places USB 2.0 Hub with Power Adapter a Usb Hub Is a System You Put into any Established Usb Slot, on the area of the hub there are anywhere from 2-16 Usb ports you can plug any Usb System Into. The problem with this method that data flow between equipment to your pc might be stunted down by up to 15%. Using this method perfect for notebooks and home users.
So, There You Go That is How You Add Usb Devices To Your Personal pc. As a Quick area note, did you know You Can Put in Up to 127 Usb Devices into your pc. To Achieve this You Can Put in Usb locations to Usb Hubs.

Free Online Gambling

The best items on the planet are expected to be free and I think that functions gambling. There is nothing more interesting than the dash of body in your head and body when you experience successful a immediately ability but I bet, the pleasure would increase once you enjoy on free gambling?

Is there such a thing as free gambling? Yes, there is. Before, free gambling does not are available because you should display the other gamers that you have the money to chance before the online games could start. But now, thanks to innovation of online and pcs, free gambling now prevails. First items first, any individual below 18 years old are prohibited to chance neither free gambling nor purchased one. Even though the gambling is used in the exclusive community, there are still regulations and control that needs to be discovered effectively.

In free gambling in the online world, one could choose from the different kinds of video online game available in the online world. The only problem here is that the functions at no cost gambling are often restricted because it cost nothing. In order to access to unique functions in that gambling website, one could sign-up and then pay a certain amount. But if you are just a amateur on the planet of online gambling, then it would be recommended to become a member of free gambling websites. This is because gambling knowledge are required to be used. Through these services, a individual could training his knowledge in gambling and as well master from his blunders. After a lot of training and resolve, at some point, one could be prepared to be an experienced risk taker with senses and mind to footwear to other competition.

Here are some cases of free gambling websites that would absolutely match the risk taker side of every individual. First quit is Hawaiian Online poker. Hawaiian poker is a type of free gambling website that consumes the participant with the sport of poker. Next quit is Astro End which is a 100 % free gambling location for bingo addicts. Just for putting your signature on in their website, they would give you a 100 % free £5 sign-up advantage. Another one is 888 On line gambling house which provides free gambling online games particularly gambling house online games or online games discovered in gambling establishments. These contain free poker online games, casino craps, keno, stay, black jack and slot machine games. If you are worn out from all that common products then Virgin mobile online games is probably the best free gambling website for you. There is “life-changing” awards at share in every play that you video online game. What are these “life-changing” prices? Well, I think that you just have to check out their website to find out. No cost gambling online games that are available in this website functions  Victorious one Requires All, The Price is Right, Rim of Lot of money and even the preferred video online bet on the family, Monopoly. Other online games that could be discovered in free gambling websites are horse-racing gamble, simple fact TV reveals, community servings, Wednesday suits and the elements. Name it and everything is existing in free gambling.

Free gambling is fun but it could sometimes be addicting. For a individual that is just new in gambling, take your some time to effort to master and training but do not let free gambling eat you. Try to stability your lifestyle and perspective free gambling as an substitute and fun way to carry on rather than living your lifestyle for the cause of free gambling.

how to Update Your Operating System Without Having Internet

Want To Update Your Operating System Without Having Internet
Now in this publish i will tell you a trick to update your operating system without any internet connection.
as usual,its so simple.
Friends,For this trick we have to use the utlity called Autopatcher.
This utility allows us to download for your windows Operating system and saves it for offline installation.This gives you the liberty to update any computer without internet connection.
You should have any flash drive for do so.
Pick up your flash drive,go anywhere where u get the internet connection,you may go to cyber cafe,friends home...etc.
Install the Autopatcher in your own system.
Now launch it,whenever you will launch It will prompt you to select the OS for which you want to download the updates and click on Next button.
Now Select your OS whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit supported. If it is 32-bit then select X86 otherwise select X64 and click on Next button.
A list of all updates for your OS will be shown.
Select all the Updates and click on Download button.
After finishing the download just copy/paste all the downloaded updates in your Pen Drive.
Now insert this Pendrive into your system for which you have downloaded all these updates and install them.
 This is the best way to install the updates in Offline mode and secure your PC.
Download the Autopatcher from here .

How To Know How Many ID Sign in In Your Computer

Are you concerns to know that how many people or ID has logon in your notebook,computer in your absense to using yahoo messanger.
Ok,move to measures.
First go to the C drive of your notebook,computer.
Now click on the program folder.
Well,here you may discover a file of Yahoo Messenger by name Yahoo! Start that Folder and you may discover 2 versions open file by name messenger and then you may discover one more file in that by name Information open that And now you may discover different ids in that file these are the ids which has been soaked in through your system using google messenger
and if u want to check which id has been talkin to whom  all those ids will be stored in one file choose any of the id open it up and then open a file by name Records after beginning archives u may discover a file by name Information Start it and then you can see all IDS.
That's it.

How To Boost Your Hard Disk Speed

Here is a fantastic trick to increase the speed of your computer's hard disk.

Lets Start.
Click on the windows start button,or press windows+R key together.
This will open the command prompt.
Type "Devmgmt.msc" in the box n hit the enter.

Now "Windows Device Manager" a new window will open.
Make right-click and choose Properties in the Disk Drives branch on the name of your hard disk.
Now click on policies.
Here you have to checked Enable advanced performance.
Well,now hit and eventually open windows Click OK.
That's all.

How Can Change The Drive Letters

Hi friends,want to change the drive letters?

Here is a trick for you to do so.

Follow my steps to do this trick.

Click start-control panel-Administrative Tools-Computer Management-Disk Management.

Now create right click on the  partition whose name you want to modify delete,change drive letters and paths.

That's it.
You have done your work.

How To Play Snake Game On YouTube While Video Loading

YouTube The  Popular WebSite For Watching & Uploading Videos.
Slow Internet connections takes the lot of time to download. Get fun while video is loading.

Here is a trick that you can play the classic Snake game, While the video is loading, buffring.

How to play the game snake?

It's easy., When the video is loading just press the Left arrow + Up arrow OR Right arrow + Up arrow keys together,not one by one.

Now the game starts.
Start playing the game.

How To Use Flash Drive As a RAM

Guys we can boost our system speed by using ready boost software in a flash drive.Windows XP is not ReadyBoost Capable .

Follow these steps:

1-connect the flash drive, open My Computer, click the letter corresponding to the USB.

2 - Click on Properties

3 - When you select Properties, the new window opens. click the ReadyBoost .

4 - click to dedicate this device to ready boost.

If you only want to use part of it for ReadyBoost, click "Use this device" option. Then, when you use the brand, to decide how much space you want to use for ReadyBoost. It is a good option if you just want a temporary boost in RAM for a project or a particular session.

Remember that a dedicated ReadyBoost can not be saved, too. Also, when you decide to use a ReadyBoost USB, you can easily change their minds and return to save the file.

How To Set Video as Desktop Background in Windows

Do not want to put a video as wallpaper? There is no record complicated edits, no additional software is required, but can be done in almost all Windows operating systems including Windows XP, Windows 7 or Vista. The only tool you should have is a free media player called VLC media player.

VLC Media Player is a multimedia player open source can play almost any video format mpeg, mp4, divx, 3gp HD

Steps to Set as wallpaper video

1. Download VLC player.

Install the software on your computer.

Open VLC Player and click Tools on the top bar and choose Preferences.

On the left side, then select the video output section of the DirectX video output drop

menu.Then select the Enable wallpaper mode on the bottom and click Save.
Now open some videos in VLC video displays as wallpaper.

You can disable the wallpaper video from the desktop, uncheck DirectX wallpaper in the video menu of VLC.

Schedule A Publication Of Facebook

Guys, schedule your posts, comments, on Facebook using an application on facebook called postcron .
you can publish your comments or post time scheduled using this free application.

Here's how:You have to Login your facebook account using postcron .
Enter your comments and speeches on the provided box .
Set The shedule as you want.
You can change the plan at any time.

How To get your emails on Mobile via SMS

There are so many applications and online services to help you forward e-mail messages. offers a free e-mail message forwarding, has a powerful spam filter, which ensures that you only get e-mails are spam are not important, can respond to important messages from your phone. It can also be integrated in Microsoft Outlook. When you create a new account, you receive a new e-mail, for example Your car ahead and email that a new e-mail to return the incoming text. available instantly, email alert notifications via SMS in India. To use the service, send an SMS to 575758 with the text START-MAIL your city.

each e-mail reaches your inbox, your email provider will send a copy to mytoday, which in turn send it to you immediately by SMS.

How To Write Protect USB Flash Drive

If you want to write protect your USB drive, you can do the trick with registry data or batch script. Protect the USB drive, depends on the graft, and you can do it manually or by script. Read below. Mannual way is also given with a batch script


1 - Start - Run - type "regedit" to open the editor regisry

2 - Go to the following: HKey_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl

3 - Create a new key called "StorageDevicePolicies"

4 - On the right side, creating a new "DWORD Value" with THR name "WriteProtect" and give "1" data

5 - Then insert the USB flash drive.

6 - Try to delete a file or copy anything to it, you will not be able to do so.

7 - You can disable this function, only for the exchange of information 1 0

Command Prompt On Right Click

modify the registry:

1. Start- Run

Second type "cmd" and press Enter

Developing the third "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ Folder \ shell"

4th Right click on the "Shell" and select New> Key

5th Make sure a new key is created when the "shell". Change the name of this key to "Command Prompt"

6. Right click on this new key "Command Prompt" and select New> Key

7. Rename this key "command"

8. Here's what we should have:

9. Double-click the "(default)" text in the right window to bring up the edit box

10. Enter the text in the Value data box:

cmd.exe "% 1"

11. Click OK and close the registry.
Thats It.

How to Call someone from his mobile number

call someone from his mobile number
1. Go to http:// www.mobivox.comand register there for free account.

2. When registering, be sure to insert the phone number of victims "Phone" Feild.

3. Complete the registration and confirm your email ID and then log in to your account. click "WebCall direct."

call someone on his / her MOBILE NO - besthacking99

You arrive at the page. In "Enter a number", select your country and also any cell phone number (you can enter). Now you simply press the "Call Now" button to call your friends with its own number.

How to use Gmail space as online storage drive

Recently Google announced that users can now buy more online storage for Google services just by paying a small fee. Why not use this online storage space and outdoor use can be a network drive or hard drive of a computer clean.

Use the storage unit such as Google Google

I will show different ways that you can use your Gmail as your hard drive, also free. You will be able to download (or should I say to copy) files from your Gmail account to your computer as you would from a reader on your computer. You can also use this space to transfer content directly from your computer and save it online in your Gmail account.

1. GMail Drive

Gmail Drive free guide

GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Mail account so that you can use Gmail as a storage medium.

GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail account and you can save and retrieve files in your Gmail account directly within Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer for the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files.

Gmail Drive, you can easily copy files to your Gmail account and retrieve them again.

When you create a new file in Gmail Drive, it generates an e-mail messages to your account. E-mail Inbox is the normal file is attached to an e-mail. GMail Drive periodically checks your mail account (Gmail search function), if new files have arrived and to rebuild the directory structures. But basically GMail Drive acts as any other hard drive installed on your computer.

You can copy files to and from the GMail Drive folder simply by using drag and drop as you're used to with the normal Explorer folders.

Because the files cluttering your Gmail inbox, you can create a filter in Gmail to automatically move the files (prefixed with the letters gmailfs subject) to your archived mail folder.

Please note that GMail Drive is still an experimental tool. There are still a number of file system limitations (such as the total file size must be less than 65 characters). Since the tool hooks with Google's free Gmail, changes in the Gmail system may break the tool's ability to function. I can not guarantee that files stored in this manner will be accessible in the future.

Download it here-http: / / / code / gmail.htm

Make Windows 7 Run on Windows XP

If you still use Windows XP, and then meet

many problems when you try to go directly to

Windows 7, Microsoft has also warned users that the update

from XP to Windows 7 could be a dangerous path.

The truth is that there is no way to get updates directly to

XP to Windows 7 When I try to install Windows 7 on a lower level

XP, you have a security screen, which prevents

do the upgrade.

So here are some simple techniques you can try

try Windows 7

First of all, you can upgrade to XP, Vista Service Pack 1

Windows 7 This is the recommended way to upgrade

Microsoft. However, you may find this technology too complex

and expensive because you have to buy a Vista SP 1

Only the updated version of Windows 7 this is

The surest way you can take.

Second, try a clean install of Windows 7 this

means giving up your XP and its replacement by Windows

7th You must save your files, but since this method

erase all data from your hard drive.

Finally, you can create a dual-boot computer with two operating rooms

systems. Just create a new partition on the hard disk

the disc and clean install Windows 7 on it. As remain

XP, as well as a fully functional beta version of Windows 7 for the test.

But you still have the backup of files and data in general

Accident happens to your computer.

How To Optimize Broadband Or DSL Speed

These settings allow you to boost the speed of your broadband Internet connection when using a Cable Modem or DSL Router with Windows 2000 and Windows XP .

Open your  windows registry n find out the key below .

Create the following DWORD values , as most of these values will not already exist you will need to create them by clicking on 'Edit -> New -> DWORD Value' and then set the value as shown below .

DefaultTTL = "80" hex ( or 128 decimal )
Specifies the default time to live ( TTL ) for TCP/IP packets .default is 32 .

EnablePMTUBHDetect = "0"
Specifies whether the stack will attempt to detect Maximum Transmission Unit ( MTU ) routers that do not send back ICMP fragmentation-needed messages . The default is 0 .

EnablePMTUDiscovery = "1"
Specifies whether the TCP/IP stack will attempt to perform path MTU discovery as specified in RFC 1191 . The default is 1 .

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex ( or 32767 decimal )
Specifies the system maximum receive window size advertised by the TCP/IP stack .

TcpMaxDupAcks = "2"
Determines the number of duplicate ACKs that must be received for the same sequence number of sent data before "fast retransmit" is triggered .

SackOpts = "1"
Enables support for selective acknowledgements as documented by Request for Comment ( RFC ) 2018 . Default is 0 .

Tcp1323Opts = "1"
Controls RFC 1323 time stamps and window scaling options . Possible values are : "0" = disable RFC 1323 options , "1" = window scale enabled only , "2" = time stamps enabled only and
"3" = both options enabled .

TcpWindowSize = "7FFF" hex ( or 32767 decimal )
Specifies the receive window size advertised by the TCP/IP stack . If you have a latent network you can try increasing the value to 93440 , 186880 , or 372300 .

Exit your registry and restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
That's it.

What is a Tablet Computer?

You see them everywhere now at coffee shops , in the park . Everywhere there are people holding what sort of look like giant cell phones and tapping away on them with a serene look of joy on their faces . They're tablet computers – or tablets for short . But while we see them more and more everyday , you often hear people who don't have one ask a very simple question ; what are they ?

Tablets are hand-held computers that are either flat or wedge-shaped , and function by having the user touch the screen to initiate whatever action they wish to perform . They have no physical keyboard and are completely portable , using rechargeable batteries for power . They can use wireless and/or mobile technology (  3G ) to connect to the internet . They are smaller than most laptops , and are capable of running a wide range of applications , from video games to email clients .

The majority of tablets have screen sizes around 10” in diameter – but there are some with 7” screens as well . And as tablet technology advances , they are increasingly utilizing operating software designed specifically for mobile devices rather than the traditional desktop computer . Because of this , tablets are quickly becoming the equal of even the most sophisticated desktop machines in-terms of accessing media .

One of the more interesting aspects of tablet technology is that it qualitatively advances the movement toward acquiring software solely via the internet instead of through a boxed cd or disk . The other key component is the shift to touch screen technology . While this technology has been around for a while , it was never really practical for desktop computers . Imagine having to reach across your desk to tap your computer screen as your only means of navigation . That would get tiring pretty fast . But with a hand-held device like the tablet , touch-screen technology has finally found a home .

The three leading types of tablets currently on the market are the iPad by Apple , several versions utilizing the Android Honeycomb OS , and the Blackberry Playbook with its own operating system designed specifically for a tablet . While each has its own unique features , together they provide computer users with an exciting new way to access internet and
multi-media technology – in a completely portable way .
If a smart phone is too small for you , and a laptop just a little too big - tablets are that perfect middle ground you've been looking for.

Best Freeware Websites For Mobile Applications

Friends,thousands of sites which claim that they have free soft wares for mobiles and registration is not required . But when you visit those sites , you find that they only provide links to other sites and you are lost in a maze of innumerable formalities .

The following are the sites from where you can get all softwares for almost any phone for free :

Manybooks provides you free books on any subject , by any author , any genre , and more than 50 languages

Mobipocket offers you free eBook reader for any phone or computer . There are thousands of downloadable free books . Every thing is easy and smooth .

Peperonity is a German site which provides you mixed stuff . You can get your own mobile site for free . It hardly takes 20 minutes to create your own mobile site .

Operamini is the best place to download the best browsers for any model of mobile phone . All soft wares are free and fully supported .

Wapain is the site which has a complete list of the instantly downloadable soft wares . However , you will have to be careful because some links lead to the pornographic sites .

http ://www .mobilemastee .com is yet another site which provides you almost everything for your mobile . They guide you through very beautifully and there are no strings attached .

http ://www .mobile9 .com is a unique site with all kinds of free wares for your mobile phones . There is a limit .You can pick a certain number of soft wares in a day .

http ://www .funmaza .com is a site which is a real storehouse of the mobile soft wares . All soft wares are free but they come in zip . You will have to download WinZip or any other zip software

http ://www .getjar .net is the pioneer among the sites providing
latest soft wares .

http ://www .symbian-freewares .com .This site provides you best of the soft wares for your any model of Nokia , UIQ , and Sony Ericsson phones . There is no formality of sign up or registration . Simply visit the site , look for your model of phone , choose the soft ware and come back .

Speed Up Windows 7 Internet

Slow internet problem is a common issue occurring in Windows 7 operating system . Though you are using a high speed internet connection , your internet goes slow . It happens especially in the following circumstances :

1 . Internal problems :
a . Third-party toolbars are installed
b . Third-party add-ons are installed
c . Corruption in the cache
d . DLLs conflicts

2 . External problems :
a . Website server is too busy
b . Connection problem from the ISP

The internal problems can be fixed/adjusted by us . As they are related to our computer , we can solve them our own . And , the latter are out of our scope . What we can do is to only complain about them to the respective authority .

Third-Party Toolbars are Installed

Many free software products on the internet come with third-party toolbars . The toolbars include a search engine , easy access to our email accounts and other utility features .

These toolbars often slows down your web browser and thereby the internet connection on Windows 7 operating system . They take more time for loading than how much your web browser takes . So , disable them , if you do not use .

1 . Open Internet Explorer .
2 . Click View | Toolbars .
3 . Uncheck the toolbar you do not wish to keep enabled .
4 . Confirm the action when prompted to disable the associated add-ons .

Third-Party Add-Ons are Installed

Like the toolbars , add-ons too are the utility features introduced by the third-parties . These add-ons help viewing the various types of contents , like videos , multimedia and playing online games .

Often the internet is slow in Windows 7 due to these add-ons . . The others which are not essential should be disabled .

1 . Open Internet Explorer .
2 . Click Tools | Manage Add-Ons .
3 . Select All Add-Ons option from the Show drop-down box .
4 . Disable the unnecessary third-party add-ons .
5 . Click Close button .

Corruption in the Cache

Web browser cache enables easy access to our most recently viewed websites . A copy of the most recently viewed websites is stored on your hard disk , and loaded every time you request opening that webpage . This reduces the overall time of loading that website and boosts the internet performance .

However , it is found that the files in bad state stored in your web browser cache makes it difficult to work for your web browser and thereby slows down the internet connection . What you need to do is delete all the files in the browser cache and then restart your web browser .

1 . Download a system cleaner product . A system optimizer product enables clearing the browser cache of all the installed and supported web browsers at a time .
2 . Click System Cleaner .
3 . Click Clean button .
4 . Restart your web browser .

DLLs Conflicts

Dynamic Link Library ( DLL ) files involve modules used by various programs and Windows components . The programs running on your Windows 7 operating system loads the required DLLs from the information that they retrieve from the registry . In simple words , the registry contains the information about the path of each DLL . The DLL path in registry that does not exist makes complication in the functioning of your web browser and thereby slows down the internet . You need to delete such references from the registry .

Use a registry cleaner product to repair the missing and invalid DLL paths in the registry .

Problem with the Server or ISP

Each website is stored on individual servers . Loading a website by too
many users slows down the server computer and thereby reduced performance in opening the website contents and downloading files from it . In case of download files , try a different minor .

In case there is a problem with your Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) , contact him .
Download any free registry cleaner software.

Trick To Make Downloading Run Fast

Friends ,downloading programs , videos and websites all takes time and depending on how fast your Internet connection is , it can take a long time . This trick will show you how to make your downloads run super fast , allowing you to have blazing fast Internet .

What we are going to do with this tutorial is clean out all the settings that Windows puts on your PC to limit the speed of your Internet connection . There's been a lot of discussion about this online , and basically it's said that Microsoft have purposely limited the speed of downloads on Windows because they thought that if a file / site was downloaded too quickly , it would corrupt your system .

This is a big problem that many computers have , and to fix it , you need to remove all the settings that are causing the 'throttling' . These settings are all stored inside a part of your system called the 'registry' which is a big database that stores all the settings and information for your PC . The registry is home to settings ranging from your latest emails to your desktop wallpaper , and is where Microsoft have planted the settings that throttle your download speed .

To fix the settings that slow down your PC , you need to use a tool called a 'registry cleaner' . This is a software program designed to scan through the registry database and remove any of the damaged or corrupted registry settings that are slowing down the
Internet download speed of your PC . You need to download one of these tools , install it and then let it scan your PC . It will identify all of the registry settings that are causing the slow downloads and will fix them automatically . After that , just restart your PC and you should be see a marked improvement in the speed of your downloads .
There are so many free registry cleaner software available .make a google search & choose any one .

Speed Up PC With BoostSpeed Application

Friends ,This application is the ideal solution to keep your PC running faster , cleaner and error-free . This powerful optimization suite will boost Internet connections , tweak Windows to its peak performance , clean registry and block annoying ads . It's a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized .
Speed Up Internet
Adjust your PC for faster images , music and software downloads , increased browsing speed and reliable Internet connections . View your download speed and graphs . To gain additional performance boost you can also turn on DNS Optimization .
Block Banner Advertisements
Tired of annoying banner advertisements accompanying many web sites ? Now you can eliminate advertisements and also speed up your Internet browsing with BoostSpeed Banner Killer ! You can add your own web sites to the black list to block them from showing their advertisements .
Speed Up PC With BoostSpeed
Modify Windows settings , file system and services to greatly increase system performance . Increase startup and shutdown speed , disable annoying CD autorun and error reporting features . BoostSpeed will keep monitoring your system for possible optimizations and let you know if such optimizations are possible . You can also run the System Optimization Wizard to periodically optimize your PC .
Optimize Memory and Appearance
Badly written applications constantly steal memory without giving it back . That's why your PC becomes unstable with time and you have to reboot . BoostSpeed automatically frees up computer memory to gain additional performance boost . You can also manually recover memory and clipboard .
Keep Disk and Registry Clean
Get rid of junk on the disks and registry of your PC . Remove hazardous and space-wasting files left by untidy programs and crashes of your system . Dramatically increase the performance of your PC by cleaning , optimizing and defragmenting local disks and registry .
Keep your PC fast and safe
BoostSpeed will detect most of the popular "PC-slowers" - bundle-software which silently download malware and spyware to your computer , taking up internet traffic and slowing down the system . This will also keep your system safe from prying eyes of spyware programs .
Badly written applications constantly steal memory without giving it back . That's why your PC becomes unstable with time and you have to reboot . BoostSpeed automatically frees up computer memory to gain additional performance boost . You can also manually recover memory and clipboard .
Boost Software Products
BoostSpeed can improve performance of different software products , including Microsoft Office , Internet browsers ( such as Internet Explorer , Opera , Mozzila ) , E-mail clients ( Outlook , The Bat ) , MSN Messenger , ICQ , Media Player and others .
Networks Tools
Keep your connection alive while you're away , synchronize your computer clock with atomic clock over the Internet , lookup domain names and IP addresses , measure your Internet connection speed . Troubleshoot and improve your Internet connection and local network with an excellent selection of
network management tools .
System Optimization Tools
Greatly increase your PC startup speed with Autorun Manager , where you can disable or remove the programs which try to load up when Windows starts up . Force-uninstall unwanted software products which take up space on your computer and slow it down .
You may download it from here.

Want To Delete Your Gmail Account

There are so many reasons to close a Gmail account . Your account may have been hacked into several times hence you need to change it or you need a simpler username or address . If you have no idea how to delete a Gmail account ,
To do so follow steps given below :

The first step is to get into a Google browser . Google .com is usually the simplest to operate from . You should then go to the sign in option which requires you to access the account . Once you have accesses your account you can now start the process .

On the top right of the page you there is a settings tab . Select and open that tab and go down the menu , to Google Account Settings . This option is available for any Google service or accounts you are using or have logging into .

Clicking on this will take you to a page where you find your
Profile , Personal Settings and the Google Products that are available in your account . On the products section you will find the products that you can change for your Google account . Open the Edit link which takes you to the edit page .

This is the page where you can now delete your account . Here you will find links to products that you can permanently delete from your account . By selecting Remove Gmail Permanently link , you will end up in a page that now allows you to finalize the deletion of the account . You will also be required to read a message from Google about deleting the Gmail account .

Mark the box that indicates Gmail . This removes the email option and leaves out the other products you may still want to use with Google . However you may have to insert a new email address . You can use your current password to finalize the removal by clicking on the Remove Gmail button .

However you can still create another email account using your Gmail account . Emails that come during the period you have removed your account will not be accessible .

Online Dating Scam

Online Relationship Scam
Guys,online courting is gaining more and more associates.  In fact, according to web statistic company, comScore Press Metrix, about 26% of online customers or 39 thousand People frequented online online courting services in November 2003.   Both women and men have claimed to its achievements, with regards to discovering interactions.  According to Online Relationship Journal (2007), more than 127,000 marriage a year are results of online courting.
But the world wide web is full of hoaxes.  According to CyberSource Corp. study, about $239.1 thousand was missing because of web scams and hoaxes.   Online courting is not saved from it. It is one of the greatest resources of income since 2008.  It created $957 thousand and estimated to develop by 10% by 2013.

The ever improving reputation of online online courting services is not only best part about it for those who are looking second possibilities in love.  It is also best part about it for crooks.  Scammers would use appropriate websites and they would focus on trusting customers.  There are different web courting websites which offer symptoms to their customers against crooks and those who are making use. 

Online web courting websites usually have filtration that would individual crooks from those who are real customers.  Unfortunately, it could not area all crooks.  Most of the websites would depend on their associates and customers for revealing situations and dubious customers.  Also, crooks would ask for your im or frequent e-mail.  They would attract you away from the website, so they would not be found by the website staff. 

It is very easy to create a bogus personality and private information.  They could even grab other individuals recognize and or account and use it to their benefit.  They could even do hoaxes and scams in different websites, at the same time.  There are different symptoms, if the individual you are speaking with online, is a possible fraudster.

• Interaction is very challenging.  They usually recurring what they say and would create claims very challenging to understand and would regularly make punctuational and sentence structure faults.

• The photographs present that the individual you are speaking with, look like just a design.  Upon verifying other account photographs, they look like they were popped from some website or design.  The fraudster may have used other peoples’ images.  Or they may even publish images which is black or blurry. 

• They do not offer any home or individual deal with.  All they offer is a two deal with and even a contact number which they never reply nor does not have any voicemail messages. 

• They would not even reply your concerns.  But they would voluntarily talk about things about themselves.  They may be using normal messages and mailing it to different people they are enjoying. 

• They would discuss sob and sad experiences.  In the end, they would ask for help and venture that you are the only individual who can help them out with this problem.  What happens is that, after assisting them by mailing them cash, you will not be able to notice anything from them or again.  In most severe situations, they would come back and ask again and again for cash.

Not all crooks would present their real colours instantly.  For some, it would take about months or sometimes even years, before they start harming or asking for cash.  Reporting the case to staff is important, to secure their websites and other customers.  Never deliver cash or proceed with any kind of messages when they have already revealed their real colours.

How to Send Free SMS From Facebook

Friends in this post i will tell you how to send free sms from facebook.

Well for this trick you don't have need of any software,pluggin or add-on.

Using this trick you may send free sms to anybody.

Lets move to the trick.

For this trick you have to follow facebook application link.

After  this step you will able to send unlimited sms to anyone,even while you are using facebook.

Just check below given application on the facebook to sending the free application.

Just follow the instructions & get freedom to send free unlimited sms to anybody.

Rotate Your Desktop Screen

Men,here is yet another technique for you.
Here is awesome technique to move your display.
you can move it by 90 or 180 or 360 direction. You can change your screen display.
This is one of the most frightening methods which changes Windows benefit down.
To do so"

Press Control, Alt and then any of the four pointer important factors(any up,down arrow button) .
Left pointer key move by 90 stage.
Right pointer key move by 270 degree
Down pointer key move by 180 stage, change display.

Up pointer key make it normal.
That's it.